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  • Writer's pictureChloe Collins

Social Distance Exhibition

I decided over the past month that I wanted to do a small exhibition out front of my house. I have a large front lawn so its the perfect space to. Theres always a lot of walkers by as well so it give them something to look at on their daily exercise. So I picked out some work I did in year one of the degree. I did post on the local gossip board I was doing it and loads of people commented and liked the post so that was a good sign people were interested in see what I was doing.

The weather was extremely windy but me and my family figured out a way to secure the paintings so they wouldn't blow away. Loads of people walked past and was so intrigued in my work. Even drivers went slow so they could see what I was doing. People were telling me how it made them feel and what they thought of it. Loads of people asked if I was sell and if I will do another exhibition out the front so more people can see it it. The Vicar that lives near me really liked the large painting I put out and he spoke about how detailed the eyes were. He also said about me doing an exhibition in the local churches in the area I live. I will definitely do that because I would love to work within the community. I was lucky enough a local photographer came by and took pictures of my work and sent them to me later on in the day. Loads of people asked me to do another one so I will for sure be putting another one together. It was a really good turn out and really nice to chat to the people living in my area. (Photos bellow were taken by local Photographer)

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